Monday, 8 June 2015

Nous sommes arrivés!

Tout va bien!  All is going well!

All coaches travelled together over a sea which was beautifully blue, and the sun brillait.  C'était magnifique!

Coaches A et C ont visité le Manoir where they make du jus de pomme, du cidre doux, du  cidre sec,Calvados and  Pommeau.  C'était très intéressant!

Car C a visité le chocolatier which was unfortunately closed on arrival .. but they changed their plans, ate lunch first, then visited it when it opened!  Pas de problème!

All coaches ate lunch at La baie de Somme.. an interesting service station for people who love nature.

Coaches A and B were warmly welcomed by the staff at 'Ma Normandie' and enjoyed their first meal before having free time to sort out rooms and enjoy each other's company.

Now all are in their rooms and night has fallen.  Mr Scrivener is about to do his round to check that lights are out and all are sleeping!

Bonne nuit!

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